Featured Events: AC Dance’s Open House Event + Free Youth Trial Classes
Free Trial Classes on October 4th – October 7th from 5:00PM-9:00PM and Open House Event on October 8th from 5:00PM-9:00PM AC Dance at 71 Washington Street, 2nd Floor, is bringing ballet to Bloomfield this season with an open house event and free youth trial classes. Free trial classes for youths will take place from October 4th – October 7th from 5:00PM-9:00PM. AC Dance’s Open House event will take place on Friday, October 8th, where prospective students can view the facility and learn more about dance classes offered for ages 7 to adult. RSVPs are preferred for the open house event, so please email ac@acdancenj.com directly. Plus, new studio class packages for adults will be available during the month of October, and if you register your dancer by October 8th, the registration fee will be waived. Make sure you let them know The Montclair Girl sent you.